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Datele rezervării:

Nume Complet*
Număr de telefon*
Data sosirii*
Nopți de cazare*
Număr de adulți*
Număr de camere*
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Prin completarea formularelor de rezervare si de check in, imi dau acordul pentru:*

The location has 4 double rooms, each featuring a queen-size bed, a private bathroom, underfloor heating, flat-screen TV, coffee/tea maker, smart dimmable lights, luggage rack, smoke detector and a balcony.


The location has 4 premium rooms, each featuring a queen-size bed, a sofa bed, a private bathroom, underfloor heating, flat-screen TV, coffee/tea maker, dimmable lights, luggage rack, smoke detector and a balcony.


The spacious indoor terrace located at the upper-level of the building is equipped with a fully functional kitchen, including a dishwasher, 2 refrigerators, induction electric stove, microwave oven, toaster, coffee machine, Sony wireless speaker, 2 Philips Smart TVs with Netflix and YouTube, a private bathroom and underfloor heating.


From the upper-level outdoor terrace, you can admire the fairytale landscape of Doftana s Valley, which is spectacular from spring to winter.


The barbecue area is perfect for outdoor cooking enthusiasts, as well as for sharing incredible stories.


We provide free private parking, located near the building, throughout your stay.


Our generous garden welcomes you with a stunning view. Arranged on three levels, it welcomes you with a unique design: stone, wood and flowers pathway, vintage style benches and tables, vintage style swings and hammocks, barbecue area and playground for children.


Children's playing area has swings, a little wood house, a slide and many other toys.


The main attraction is the outdoor area, open to the fairytale landscape, accessible by walking along the unique stone and wood pathway. The pathway is adorned with decorative flowers in various shades and varieties and is softly illuminated.


We warmly welcome you.

For information and reservations, you can reach us at the phone number below, from Monday to Sunday between 7:30 AM and 9:30 PM.